(6) Computation Theory


March 5, 2020

Answered by: Jonathan Gorard

How does quantum computation work within the context of your models?

In a surprisingly clean way! In short, one straightforward consequence of our interpretation of quantum mechanics in terms of multiway evolutions is the following, very concrete, interpretation of the relationship between Turing machines, non-deterministic Turing machines, and quantum Turing machines: classical Turing machines evolve along a single path of the multiway system (using a deterministic rule to select which branches to follow), Read more

March 11, 2020

Answered by: Jonathan Gorard

Are your models consistent with the ER=EPR conjecture?

Rather as with the holographic principle, the ER=EPR conjecture appears to arise as a natural consequence of the structure of our formalism, since it is ultimately a statement of similarity between the combinatorial structure of the multiway evolution graph vs. spacetime causal graph, which emerges as a consequence of both objects being derived from the (more fundamental) multiway causal graph. Read more

March 12, 2020

Answered by: Jonathan Gorard

What does your formalism mean for computational complexity theory?

One very exciting side effect of our formalism is the ability to recast many open questions in theoretical computer science and computational complexity theory in terms of it; as an illustrative example of this, note that the P vs. NP problem can, at some level, be thought of as corresponding to a question about the relative rates of divergence and convergence of branch pairs in the multiway evolution graph for our universe. Read more